" your keys to safer driving "

Aren't all driving schools the same?
Finding a driving school (and more importantly and Instructor) to help you through your progression from a learner to a provisional driver can be a daunting experience. Calling one of the big school doesn't guarantee you will receive the best service or most experienced instructor. Here are some tips to look for when choosing an instructor.
Ask friends who they use and how they find them. Referrals are often a good indicator of how good an instructor is. Lime is 100% referral driven and does not advertise often being booked up 4 or 5 weeks ahead during busy times.
Don't go for the cheapest priced instructor. An instructor can't give cheap lessons without cutting corners. Think about what it costs for the car, fuel, maintenance, taxes, insurances & wages just for starters. These instructors will cover their shortfall by charging a premium for using their car in the test and if you don't pass first time that's another car hire for them.
If an instructor has an old or very dirty car, dresses like they're off to the beach, picks up the next student during your lesson, talks more about non-driving related topics or won't run the a/c on hot days then in our opinion they are not worthy of your business.
Ask if they are licensed and if their lessons count for 3 hours log book. If you only get 1 hour for a 1 hour lesson and you haven't used your 10 instructor lessons yet there's a good sign of a dodgy instructor. There are many people claiming to be "instructors" but it is illegal for them to work as such and you will not be covered by any insurance in the case of an accident. A school that only accepts cash is also a good indicator of something not quite right.
Don't pay up front for a discounted package. This locks you in for the entire amount of lessons and you may not get a refund if you are unhappy with your instructor and want to change schools.
We have often been contacted by students unhappy with their current instructor and looking for a change. The stories we've heard on dodgy instructors would fill a book. You cannot put a price on your driving and you need to know you are getting the correct information in the safest possible environment.